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Collars and Tails

Handmade - Customisable Pet Collars

Blog posts : "collars"

What is Paracord?

Paracord is the nylon cord that is now regularly used as a general purpose utility cord and often used to make craft cord items and animal collars.

Originally, Paracord was used only as the suspension lines of parachutes but has had many unconventional uses since.

Photo: Explorer Collars…

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Collar Profile #1 - BioThane Collars

So what's so special about BioThane I hear you ask!

Well, it is an inexpensive, very strong durable strap product that is now outselling leather and webbing.  It does not retain water, or smell, so it's a fantastic webbing to be used for animals collars...IDEAL FOR WATER DOGS! 


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